The Aldo Leopold Boyhood Home

The Leopold Boyhood Home, 111 Clay St., c. 1890, was lived in by the family until 1900, when they moved back into the adjacent Starker Leopold House.  The house stayed in the family until brother Frederic's passing in 1989.

Both the exterior and interior of the house have many intimate places to reflect on Aldo's roots. The fireplace hearths were the hub of family life. Stories around the fire and dining table kept the outdoor discoveries and lessons alive through AIdo's family for nearly a century.


Previous owner, Mary Shier, bought the house from Frederic's estate 26 years ago, restored the interior and reconstructed the front porch that had been removed many years earlier.  She has also been a great guardian of the century old woodland wildflower garden.

Family-Hearths-and-Entry-Hall.jpgFamily-hearths-where-Aldo-and-his-brothers-laid-out-the-day's-hunt-for-the-whole-family-to-study..jpg       The family hearths where the family gathered round to share stories of the day's events.

 The Porch Through the Years

H-Leopold-Hs.-(2).jpg  Fred-Leopold-Hs.jpg

  Leopold House at the turn of the century                                          In 1989 without the porch



All visitors are welcome at the Leopold House!